

Gatherings at Missio Dei are composed of a spectrum of people  who have never attended church to those who have attended most of their lives. Our goal in gathering is to proclaim the story of God, His people, and His work in the world, no matter how you have behaved or misbehaved.

Worship at a Sunday gathering centers around the gospel. Although we believe worship is happening continually in our lives, it is through song, reading, teaching, and fellowship that you'll mainly see it practiced during Sunday gatherings.  Expect to hear modern renditions of old sacred songs, newer contemporary music, and liturgical readings from new and old texts alike.

A typical worship gathering at Missio Dei includes two primary elements:


This is the teaching element of our worship gatherings and it centers around the gospel message. We generally work through books of the Bible sections at a time and seek to answer what does God want us to know, how does he want us to feel, and what does he want us to do with the truth of the text.


We believe that whenever the Gospel is proclaimed, it evokes a response in those witnessing it. At Missio Dei, we mostly respond through reflection, prayer, communion, giving, and  singing, before being sent out as the church scattered.


Do I need to wear my “sunday best?”

You’re welcome to, but you don’t have to. Wear what you feel comfortable in — most people attending Missio wear casual clothes.

How long are your gatherings?

Typical gatherings last 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Do you serve communion?

Yes, we serve communion every Sunday except for several Sundays throughout the year when we don’t have a typical sermon. We believe that the elements are sacred as prescribed by Jesus in the scripture, and as such offer only unleaven bread and wine (both for drinking and dipping).

What is the music like?

It varies depending on the responsive arts leader each Sunday, but you can expect modern, expressive, and sometimes loud worship (we have earplugs if you need them). We want to create a space where the people of God can lift their voices in praise together.