Practicing The Way of Jesus · Scripture

The invitation to follow Jesus is both a personal and a communal invitation. Some of us may have developed great strategies to develop our personal sense of following while others may only follow Jesus in the context of community. We want to grow in our ability and desire to connect with Jesus both personally and communally. Jesus called individuals out of their lives, rhythms, and worldviews to join a group of 12 in learning to follow His ways. He invited the 12 and us through the 12 to practice His ways. Jesus was a lot of things to a lot of people. He was a brother, a son, a friend, he was God in the flesh, he was a master and he was a Rabbi or teacher. In His day Rabbis or teachers would garner the best of the best to be their students. Those desiring to follow a teacher would go through a thorough vetting and application process, maybe most like trying to attend the most prestigious of universities in our modern-day. Jesus’ process was a little different, he called together a rag-tag group of people and invited them to follow Him and learn His ways.

His invitation to follow Him in our modern-day doesn’t look much different. There is still an invitation into the body of Christ broken down by Churches all over the world and even smaller by groups within those Churches. As you enter this next term of Community Group at Missio Dei we invite you to learn a different and perhaps new way of practicing the scriptures together both as individuals and groups of people spread out all over our great city. The way we are going to practice the way of Jesus together this term is through an ancient practice called, Lectio Divina. 

Lectio Divina is not a new method of Bible Study. Whereas the study of the Bible sets its focus on learning, Lectio Divina is an ancient time-tested method of meeting with or being with God in the Scriptures. In doing so, the disciple allows the Scriptures (in cooperation with the Spirit) to lead the reader into further intimacy with God as they move slowly, carefully, and repeatedly through the Scripture Text. It’s an invitation to slow down and an invitation to relinquish control over to the Spirit of God for what fruitfulness is birthed out of our reading of the scriptures. In the study of scripture, we retain a good amount of control over what we see, understand and experience. I can study the scriptures according to my preferred method of study and I can retain what I choose to do so, emphasize what I choose to emphasize, and ignore what I choose to ignore. That is not to say that study of Scripture has no value or no place, that isn’t what this practice is about. This practice is about adding more tools to our toolbelt as disciples and apprentices of Jesus who are learning to follow Jesus together. My hope is that this serves as another tool you have at your disposal as someone desiring to practice the way of Jesus.



Slow down in preparation for your reading. Be silent in the presence of Jesus for a minimum of 2 minutes. Ask the Holy Spirit to shift you from control to receptivity, from information to formation, and from observation to obedience. In the silence release control of your reading to the Holy Spirit, and ready your soul to receive whatever it is the Spirit wants to do during your time of reading. 


Read the selected passage slowly. Consider reading multiple times and reading out loud. Mark one particular word or phrase that stands out to you as you read. Pause, breathe and relax for a few minutes to let the word or words really sink in. 


Reflect on your passage. Go back & read what you’ve marked. Sit with those words. Contemplate the meaning of those words, deeply. Consider what they meant to the original audience and reflect on what they may mean to you. Why do you think they stood out to you? What do these words make you think about? How do these words make you feel?


Respond to your passage. Write down your word or phrase. Rewrite them perhaps even using your own words. Use them to write a prayer, journal your feelings and thoughts connected to them. Write down your general observations or things the Spirit of God may be inviting you to do in response to reading and reflecting upon them. What do you think these words may be inviting you to consider or do in response to them? What is one step you can take towards receiving this invitation? 


Rest in God’s presence. Be silent for a minimum of 2 minutes. Pay attention to your body and your breathing. Perhaps form a simple breath prayer from your words or phrase and pray it to God on the breath in or the breath out. Offer praise, gratitude, or requests if you desire, but know that He knows you, sees you, holds you, and is meeting you in that moment.

Community Groups at Missio Dei are families of disciple making missionaries who practice the way of Jesus together. As we begin a new term of Community Groups at Missio Dei this February we are looking forward to implementing a Practice of Scripture together in our groups. Over the next 3 month group participants are invited into a shared reading plan of practicing Lectio Divina, learning from one another and learning from Jesus together. If you’ve given any thought about connecting to a Community Group now is a great time to jump in. You can find more information about Groups and connect to one using THIS LINK. If you have any questions at all email us at

Submitted by: Matt Korte

Matthew Korte